What’s in Your Wallet?, Matthew 22:15-22

A sermon deliverd by Rev. Patrick H Wrisley, D.Min. on October 22, 2023

This morning, we are going to look at the notion of precedence and what matters most. As we approach our text this morning, it’s helpful to realize where we are in Matthew’s story time. Whenever we’re reading a story and the author suddenly expands the scene we are reading, it’s her invitation for us to slow down and pay attention to the details. This is what Matthew is doing in our text today. Matthew takes two and a half chapters of his gospel to describe for us a singular scene that takes place in the Jerusalem Temple. What as readers are we supposed to be seeing? Well, beginning at Matthew 21:23 and running through the end of chapter 23, we find Jesus confronting hostile civic and religious authorities while an awed crowd sits back and watches all the drama unfold. The people came to the Temple and feast as they always did; who would have expected or imagined something exciting would happen “at church”?

The religious and civic leaders at the time, having been ensconced in power for a long, long time are now feeling threatened by the words, deeds, and wisdom of this upstart country boy from Nazareth. Jesus in his humble but direct way is outlining what is about to unfold in Jerusalem. He is laying the groundwork for reclaiming the Temple for God’s work that will be completed with his upcoming resurrection.

Our Story has four main characters. There is Jesus. There are the Pharisees, or as Dale Bruner from Whitworth University calls them, “the religiously serious.”[1] Then there is this group of folks known as the Herodians who comprised a group of Jewish political leaders who put up with and supported their Roman overlords. And the final characters are the myriads of people in the crowds – people like you and me watching and soaking all this up. We are like a Greek chorus sitting in the balcony wanting to shout directions to the players on the stage. We want to yell, “Watch out, Jesus! This is a trap!” You see, the Pharisees want to charge Jesus for religious sedition and blasphemy.  The Herodians want Jesus arrested for political treason because he posed a threat to Caesar and Rome. Listen to the Word of the Lord!

Matthew 22:15-22

15 Then the Pharisees went and plotted to entrap him in what he said. 16 So they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and teach the way of God in accordance with truth, and show deference to no one; for you do not regard people with partiality. 17 Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?” 18 But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? 19 Show me the coin used for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. 20 Then he said to them, “Whose head is this, and whose title?” 21 They answered, “The emperor’s.” Then he said to them, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” 22 When they heard this, they were amazed; and they left him and went away. [2]

In a perfect example of damning someone with faint praise, the Pharisees begin their conversation with Jesus by appealing to his ego. In their mind, they are softening him up so he will get caught off-guard with a seemingly simple but ever-so-loaded question. “Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor or not?” Well, it kind of depends on who you were.

The Pharisees only saw one answer: No. This is because the Jews are a sovereign people, and their god is not Caesar but is the God Almighty. 

The Herodians only saw one answer: Yes, it was lawful to pay taxes to the Roman government because they were the occupying force at the time that was bringing “justice and safety” to Palestine.

Both of these groups knew full well that whatever Jesus said would upset one of the two groups. It would be like having Jesus stand before us today and ask him, “So, Jesus, do you agree with Donald Trump that Joe Biden stole the election?” Whatever Jesus says from the pulpit will deeply upset one side or the other. The reality is in our story, both sides wanted to lock him up.

The highly educated religious scholars and the smooth and slick political operatives underestimate this woodworker from a backwater peasant town. Jesus’ answer is brilliant and slams both sides knocking them back on their heels.  With a wink in his eye, he baits them, “Show me the coin you will use for the tax.”  They quickly produce a coin that has a picture of the emperor on one side and on the other side it is inscribed with something to the effect, “The Supreme Holy Divine Caesar.”

Zoom out and look down at this incredible scene! We can imagine Jesus looking over the top of his glasses at the ultra-pious, self-righteous religious leaders who keep reminding Jesus that there is no God but the true God of the Jews; Jesus, meanwhile, is smiling pointing at the picture of Caesar, a Roman god, on the coin the Pharisees are carrying in their pocket!  The implication Jesus is making is, “Why would righteous Jewish religious leaders like yourselves be carrying around these miniature idols that declare Caesar is god?”  Jesus reveals their hypocrisy at this point. In essence, he tells them, “Listen, don’t be all high and mighty about worshipping God when you are acknowledging the cultural Roman god Caesar by using a currency that declares Caesar’s divinity.” I imagine their faces looked like a child whose hands had been caught in the cookie jar!

Jesus’ genius does not end there! He goes on to say, “Give back to the emperor what is the emperor’s, and give to God the things that are God’s.” The Herodians like his answer because Jesus is acknowledging the role of the Roman state. Protestant Reformers like John Calvin and Martin Luther would look at this text as an example of how we cannot confuse the state, the system, and the culture’s way with the way of God and the Kingdom of heaven. Yes, we are to live under the laws we have been given but when those laws and systems conflict with God’s ways, God’s decrees, and God’s just system, we have but one choice and that’s we must side with God. Jesus is declaring the State and surrounding culture have definite boundaries that can, and at times will definitely, encroach upon the boundaries of the Kingdom of Grace. What do we do about it?  Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees and the Herodians is a reminder to all of us to make sure the realm of God takes precedence over all our political, financial, and social matters.

So, Church, does it? 

Years ago, Methodist actress Jennifer Garner made popular the credit card commercial jingle, “What’s in your wallet?”  In essence, this is exactly what Jesus is asking the Pharisees, the Herodians, and by the way, you and me.  “What’s in your wallet?” In other words, Jesus is demanding of us, “Show me where your ultimate loyalty lies.”  

Beloved, the object of our loyalty shapes and determines how we live and in what we invest ourselves. This is the essence of what Jesus is trying to teach us. The Pharisees and the Herodians all said the right things, they publicly did the right things, but their loyalty and money were devoted to and invested in their own sense of power, rank, prestige, and privilege. So, Jesus is calling them out on it.

So, Church, what’s in your wallet?  What is the object of your loyalty my friends? As a church, as fellow pilgrims, and disciples of the Way, it is vital for God to know where we place our ultimate loyalty and where we invest the best of our time, energy, and money.

I recently mentioned to the Session that each one of us is the first impression of Jesus Christ people see and engage with each and every day. What type of Jesus do they see? Another way to think about it is like this: Church, we each are all puzzle pieces that come together to form the identity of Jesus in our community. But do you know what? There’s nothing sadder than to see a beautiful puzzle all completed except for one little piece that’s missing. Jesus is saying he wants your life, your heart, to complete the picture of Christ in Warren County and beyond. The puzzle, the picture is incomplete without your piece. Your piece, no matter how large or small it is, is needed to make the portrait complete. Beloved, your personal loyalty to God speaks to the larger loyalty of your church, this church!

I want to close today by leaving you with a question that may seem to be a non sequitur but it’s not. The question is this:  Why is it so easy without giving it any thought to drop down twenty dollars for a mediocre hamburger for lunch on Glen Street but find it so difficult, so painful to drop a dollar in the offering plate for the work of God in the church?  

What’s in your wallet? What do the receipts we have tucked in there say about where our ultimate loyalty lies? Do they indicate God take precedence over everything in your life? Is your piece missing from the puzzle?

Let’s pray.

© 2023 Patrick H. Wrisley. Sermon manuscripts are available for the edification of members and friends of First Presbyterian Church, Glens Falls, New York and may not be altered, re-purposed, published or preached without permission.   All rights reserved.

[1] Dale Bruner from Whitworth University calls the Pharisees the “religiously Serious.”

[2] New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

About patrick h wrisley

A Mainline Presbyterian Orthodox Evangelical Socially Minded Prophetic Contemplative Preacher sharing the Winsome Story of Christ as I try to muddle through as a father, friend, head of staff, colleague, and disciple.
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1 Response to What’s in Your Wallet?, Matthew 22:15-22

  1. hildeziegler@yahoo.com says:

    Thanks, Patrick. Welcome home. 

    Sent from my iPhone. Hilde Ziegler Seiler,222 Cos Grande Heights, Rochester, NY 14618 and1315 Sardinia Court, Champions Gate, FL 33896Cell 863-604-6971


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